
Thursday 15 November 2018

Writing Doc: Keyhole Narrative Part 2

Once upon a time there was two brothers that lived on a mountain. And then the hand house that they lived in and the mountain float like a floating island in the ski and then Revan and Revan brother went out and then they saw that they stuck and then they said what are we going to do and they lived on the floating island for 6 days and then revan brother said i'm going to see if i can do something so we can get of this floating island and revan said ok and revan brother run 3 hours ago revan brother came back and he went to sleep and the next day he run back to do something Revan said what are you doing and Revan brother said do not come in and then Revan went back to the hand house then revan brother run to revan and said it worked revan said what worked plane then they run out now we can get out of this floating island then they went in the plane then they went and this is the end of the stor

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