
Thursday 23 August 2018

Writing Doc: Keyhole Narrative

Once upon a time there was a man that lived in a cave on the mountain. Then he saw a big
storm coming and then he went inside the cave then it started raining. Then he heard a sound
coming from outside the cave then he went outside to see where  is this sound is coming from
then he saw a villain.

Then yasuo grabbed his sword from the cave then he was trying to kill the villain then he saw heaps of villains coming on the mountain. He didn’t know what to do so he went inside the cave. Then he trained so he could fight the villains. He trained everyday then he heard another sound 
coming inside the cave.

yasuo saw a zombie. yasuo killed the zombie with his sword. yasuo went outside to see all the villains he went back inside the cave because he was angry. Then he didn’t know what to eat. Then a man came to the cave and he told yasuo What are you doing in the cave by yourself.

The man said this is my home. He asked him if he had anything to eat and he said no. Then he gave him some food. Then he ate the food then he said i have to live with you. The the man said to him take this sword you will have to use this there are heaps of villains down the mountain then he said we have to train every day to fight the villains, then we can save the world.

The man made a stone shield so the villains can’t hurt him. The next day they ate and they heard sounds coming from the village and then they went to see what that sound. The saw the villains in the village. He said go get the swords and shield.

Then they killed some but some more came.He told the man to take the people to go back to the cave. He saw heaps of villains coming so he ran back to the cave with the people. They didn’t have anything to eat, the man said we need to do something. Him and his friend went to the village and got food for the people then they ate.

then there was another storm coming. There weren’t enough beds to sleep on. The people slept on the floor and the storm was raining and cold. The people didn’t know how to sleep. The next day it stopped raining and it was sunny outside and the sun started coming he went up the mountain and he went to see the village. And there were still heaps of villains in the village. 

said to his friend we need to save the village so the people can get they homes back. it night
yasuo and his friend went to the village to kill the villains they went and kill the villains one by one. and yasuo and his friend saw a pig air plane then they went in the air plane and they saw villains in the air plane then yasuo kill the villains.

then they saw a pig villain in the air plane then yasuo said we cant kill this pig villain then they went and get the people so they can help yasuo and his friend to kill the pig villains and then they can be save and then the people said to yasuo and yasuo is friend you can lave in the village withe us. and that was the end of the villains.

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